
A cross-platform build system for creating iOS, macOS, Linux, and Windows programs.


Theos is capable of compiling Swift files, and supports using them in conjunction with files written in other languages, such as Objective-C. These capabilities are supported on macOS, iOS, and Linux. Instructions for installing the Swift toolchains on iOS and Linux can be found on their respective installation wiki pages.

Swift Runtime

In order to run Swift binaries built with Theos, you must install the Swift runtime on your iOS device. Currently, the runtime can be found on BigBoss under the org.swift.libswift package (Swift 5+) or the com.modmyi.libswift4 package (Swift 4). It is recommended that you add libswift as a dependency in your control file with Depends: ${LIBSWIFT} as this will automatically select the correct package based on your Swift version.

Interoperability with Objective-C

Swift to Objective-C

In order to use Swift classes in Objective-C, you must import the auto-generated swiftmodule header by adding #import <[instance]-Swift.h> to your Objective-C file. Swift declarations that you wish to expose to Objective-C must be marked with the public or open modifier.

Objective-C to Swift

Create a file named <instance>-Bridging-Header.h in your project directory and import any Objective-C headers into it which you wish to expose to Swift. This header file is automatically imported into any Swift files you create.


  • <instance>_SWIFTFLAGS or <file>_SWIFTFLAGS string. Default: empty. Custom flags to pass to the Swift compiler for all files or a specific file (respectively).
  • <instance>_SWIFT_BRIDGING_HEADER filename. Default: <instance>-Bridging-Header.h. The path to the Objective-C bridging header to be imported into all Swift files during compilation. For more information, see Objective-C to Swift Interoperability.


Due to discrepancies between the Swift and Objective-C ABIs and the fact that the Logos preprocessor only supports Objective-C, it is not currently possible to write tweaks in or for Swift. There is, however, a high probability that there will be ways to make Swift tweaks in the future, since Swift is now ABI stable.